Your money. Your life.
We have recently received funding to help us bring back our financial literacy programming! Planning has already started and we will soon be able to offer programs that will help low-income women with successful financial management skills.
The Your Money, Your Life program has two main components: workshops and one-on-one sessions. The program helps women with their immediate needs as well as their future plans. Topics covered include budgeting, saving, making small investments, obtaining legal wills and power of attorney documents, retirement, understanding life insurance, money values and emotions, and managing debt.
Womanspace supported over 100 women in taking control of their financial future through the Your Money, Your Life program and we hope to raise enough funds to be able to offer it again. This program is delivered free to participants and includes the provision of a light meal for participants, childcare during the sessions and transportation to ensure barriers for women who want to attend.
We thank our past funders for their support: TD SEDI, Life-Long Learning Association Lethbridge and the Government of Alberta Community Initiatives Program.